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German Cities
270 articles
German cities: detailed description, location, attractions, cuisine and must-see places to visit.
German federal states
216 articles
German federal states: list and map of German federal states with their capitals, detailed information about West and East German states.
German Government
198 articles
German government, the structure and key figures of the government of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Ways to move to Germany
19 articles
All about immigration: people who moved to Germany from other countries and students talk about their lives.
What to do in Berlin
44 articles.
How to get there, where to stay, what to do. Accommodation, excursions, bars and restaurants in Berlin in our selection for tourists.
Pension in Germany
78 articles
How to save for old age and whether it is worth relying on the state. We understand the German pension legislation.
Blockchain Encyclopedia
780 articles
Blockchain encyclopedia: explanation of the technology, reviews of tools and platforms for working with blockchain derivatives.
Startup Encyclopedia
88 articles
An overview of the most interesting European startups.